Lanzarote's bilingual magazine

Somewhere to plug in your car

While the fleet of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles continues to grow, local authorities and private initiatives are working to offer charging points

When it comes to energy, we are experiencing a period of transition and uncertainty. Even though the motor industry is actively moving towards electricity, the public remains a little wary. The main reason for this is the charging infrastructure or lack of it. According to Lanzarote’s Chamber of Commerce, the island has a fleet of five hundred electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles and about twenty free public charging points, although not all of them are operational.

Ariagona González, the island’s councillor for Energy and Industry confirms that the Cabildo has installed three charging points, all of which are free of charge and provide certified green energy. They are located on the main avenue in Arrieta, in front of the bus station in Playa Blanca and at the Monumento al Campesino, in Mozaga. Local town halls are also in the process of getting them installed.

González points out that ‘the idea of these charging points is that whether tourists or residents, users of these vehicles can rest assured that they won’t find themselves stranded. And plans are underway for them to be installed at the Art, Culture and Tourism Centres, although this won’t be until the beginning of 2023.’ She added, ‘the Cabildo has led the way with electric vehicles and renewable energies, championing their use, not only out of ecological conviction but also as a tool for promoting environmental awareness.’

The councillor also pointed out that ‘some local councils, petrol stations and shopping centres have already installed points for their customers or are in the process of doing so.’ She called for the private sector to get on board, too so that Lanazrote could enjoy adequate and efficient infrastructure. Apart from expanding the island’s electric charging infrastructure thanks to a plan to install more wind turbines, ‘We are looking at other energy sources such as hydrogen and considering implementing a pilot scheme.’ She added.

In the private sector, the Lanzarote Chamber of Commerce has had a photovoltaic charging point for several years. Furthermore, it has opened a One-Stop-Shop for Renewable Energies, which has processed more than fifty applications requesting help with purchasing electric vehicles under the Move III Plan.

In a similar vein, Asolan, the island’s hoteliers’ association, is also supporting renewable energies and is looking into the possibility of using wind turbines and solar farms. They are also compiling details of how many of their associates have charging points for clients in a move to urge more and more of the island’s hotels to have them installed.

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