Ingredients (serves 3)
- ½ kg fresh tuna
- 1 cucumber
- 2 semi-ripe mangoes
- ½ red onion
- 10 lemons
- 1 serrano chilli pepper
- 2 bird’s beak chillies
- Worcestershire sauce (to taste)
- Soy sauce or liquid aminos all-purpose seasoning sauce (to taste)
- Salt and pepper (to taste)
Cut and dice the tuna into small cubes and set aside in a bowl. Cut the onion into julienne slices (use white, if preferred) and add to the bowl with the tuna. Chop the cucumber and dice the mango. Keep both in the fridge (so that everything is fresh when preparing the dish).
To prepare the sauce, squeeze the lemons and blend with the chillies and five tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce and the soy sauce or liquid aminos (amino acid concentrate). Blend well and strain the sauce to remove seeds. Add ground pepper, a little salt and mix again. Allow to stand for about fifteen minutes. Take a large bowl and mix the tuna with the onion, cucumber and mango. Pour the sauce over the top and serve immediately.
N.B. Don’t allow the fish to soak in the acid for too long as it will dry it out.