Zero training is a new Japanese workout which aims to help you regain your natural, ‘zero’ posture through stretching and breathing exercises
Created and developed by Japanese personal trainer and yoga teacher Tomomi Ishimura, the Zero Training method is based on returning your body’s posture to its initial, or ‘zero position’. It consists of a combination of stretching and breathing exercises and focuses on five key body parts: neck, shoulders, back, hips and feet. It helps you reset your body and lose weight naturally in just five minutes a day.
Ishimura claims that when various parts of the body contract, they fall out of alignment with their zero posture which affects circulation and metabolism and in turn triggers weight gain, among other problems. In addition to setting this right, the Zero Training method helps you realise just how out of alignment your body has become.
Neck and shoulder exercise
Place two large cushions or a stack of four books on the floor to create a raised area then cover with a thick exercise or yoga mat. Place your head on the raised part and lie on the mat with your bottom down, your knees bent and the soles of your feet touching the floor. Begin to breathe in and out, opening the diaphragm, in haling and exhaling for eight seconds. Raise both arms slowly, holding your breath. Make circles slowly touching your knees and stretching your arms as far away from your head as possible. Repeat this exercise five times.
Body exercise
Spread a mat out on the floor. Place a thick rolled-up towel or blanket horizontally in the centre of the mat. Place your lower back on top of this roll. Begin to breathe and open up your diaphragm by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Put your hands behind your neck and slowly stretch your arms back as far as possible while continuing to breathe. Repeat the exercise five times.
Leg exercise
Spread a mat out on the floor. Place a thick rolled up towel or blanket horizontally in the centre of the mat. Place your bottom on top of roll and begin the breathing exercises. Slowly open your diaphragm by breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Extend your legs and one by one, slowly bring each knee to your chest. Straighten your leg again at the same time as you bend the other leg, bringing your knee to your chest. Repeat this exercise five times with each leg.