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Getting back on track after festive excess

With the season of festive indulgence behind us we can look forward to spring and get back on track and in shape. If diet and exercise aren’t enough, Dr. Amselem’s treatments are here to help

The ideal way to achieve weight loss is by following a controlled diet and toning up with exercise, but we often need an extra helping hand. To this end, Dr. Moisés Amselem offers a range of suitable body sculpting treatments.

There are several treatments available which combat excess fat and tone loose skin in different areas like the abdomen, buttocks, arms and inner thighs. In addition to these treatments, Dr Amselem offers surgical procedures such as lifting, liposuction or abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck.

Reducing belly fat and toning the abdomen area is high on many people’s wish list and to help achieve this is Emsculpt – a therapy which generates 20,000 contractions in thirty minutes. In five sessions it reduces 19% fat and generates 16% muscle. Dr. Amselem’s firming ‘abdominal radiant sun technique consists of injecting hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to generate new collagen.

Similarly, there are procedures like mesotherapy in which microinjections of active ingredients are applied to reduce and tighten areas of localized fat. Another option is to use radiofrequency technology combined with ultrasound and suction which not only tones, but also reduces and drains fat with visible results in just six sessions.

Other non-surgical treatments include the use of sound waves which effectively target stubborn fat and improve skin tone (cellulite). Ultrasound is also used to break down fat through lipocavitation (implosion of fat cells). This is achieved with cold light lasers so that there is no need for direct contact with your skin. Cryolipolysis is another treatment which applies cold on localized fat to break down fat cells with good results.

The same techniques that reduce, firm and improve skin texture in the abdomen can also be applied to the buttocks. Sculpted, toned and firm buttocks are a sure way to achieve that desired well-defined silhouette. This can be achieved with polylactic acid which promotes the creation of collagen or Emsculpt, which generates new muscle.

To tone arms, look no further than Dr. Amselem’s ‘Arms up’ technique which uses calcium hydroxyapatite injections for excellent results. Polylactic acid, Emsculpt and radiofrequency show equally impressive results in arms as well as inner thighs.

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