Lanzarote's bilingual magazine

Skin metamorphosis

Total Repair Treatment, the latest in professional chemical peels, gives your complexion the boost it needs to look its cleaner, younger and radiant best

Thanks to Carmen Navarro Beauty Centres, the latest state-of-the-art chemical peel treatment has arrived in Spain. It is applied in different stages and combines professional cleansing and skin exfoliation with a double dose of chromotherapy and a spray of pleasant thermal mist to finish off. The result is revitalised, rejuvenated and brighter skin.

The procedure begins by cleansing and preparing your skin in readiness for the chemical peel. The acid solution is then applied with surgical precision in varying amounts and layers, depending on the needs of your skin. It is a completely pain-free treatment and the results are visible immediately. What’s more, it’s suitable for all skin types.

The second phase is a spa-like therapy with a facial nebuliser steamer with chromotherapy incorporated. The treatment’s active ingredients are broken down into micro particles and applied in the form of a mist. The treatment is rounded off with a personalised face mask designed to suit your skin.

Total Repair Treatment is also perfect for firming and lightening skin, treating hyperpigmentation problems, fading age spots, combating acne, reducing the effects of scarring and treating dark patches on your skin (melasma).

The application of the mist through the facial nebuliser allows your practitioner to personalise the treatment. With Total Repair, there are three options available: T35P Anti-Aging, A20P Radiance Special and T50T35 Dark Circles Special.

The first of these is an effective anti-ageing treatment that combats the signs of ageing such as sun damage. It also tightens tones and redefines the facial contour; it treats imperfections; lightens and evens out blemishes and renews and regenerates skin. Its ingredients help firm loose skin, moisturise, heal, improve elasticity, even out skin tone and give your complexion a healthy glow. They also have a natural Botox-like effect that prevents and reduces expression lines.

The Radiance Special, with Vitamin C and Glutahione, reduces the production of melanin, neutralises free radicals and promotes natural cell renewal. The results are radiant skin which is lighter and brighter as it works to reduce hyperpigmentation, especially any blemishes caused by injury.

The last and most complete treatment not only combines anti-ageing with anti-blemish action, but it reduces the appearance of acne scars, too. It also promotes production of antioxidant elastin fibres and prevents the appearance of skin blemishes.

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